
Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Compromised by the very nature of the organization. And another thing - Chill Graham!

The editorial team bumped into a former Nairn District Councilor at the weekend and conversation turned to the glory days when people that lived in the town had a lot more say about what went on here and things were a lot more visible at local government level. This former public servant wasn’t dissing our present elected representatives just bemoaning the fact that the way the Highland Council is set up it means that the members of the outlying communities have no real power against Inverness anymore and when they try to get something done they have to trade off on various bits and pieces that can often work against places like Nairn.
Rightly or wrongly that is what a lot of people feel and it is a bit of a shame that it has come to that.
The former member of NDC also said he was appalled at the comments attributed to Nairn River Community Council’s Graham Marsden who detailed his complaints about Billy Smith’s yard. We agree, not Billy’s fault someone set fire to his business, he did his best to clean it up and the fence looks fine – good luck and best wishes in building the business back up Billy.

Chill Graham!


  1. The person on the street in Nairn who has something to say is governed by their district council, this can then go to: The Highland Council, Scottish Parliament, Westminster, House of Lords, and then on to the many powers in the Parliament of Europe.
    I guess if it something urgent or pressing Mr Blair might give Mr Bush a call otherwise don't hold your breath.
    Poll today suggests up to 50% of people will not vote in the next election as they feel it will not make any difference to their lives.
    iSay your choice is to join a blog or to find a very large stone wall, as at least then you stand the chance of hearing something from the sound reflections as you hit your heed agin it!
    Democracy... I would like to live in one

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. You are right ekim, votes count unless of course you look at the election of George Bush first time around. Votes still counted, but it was how he got them, which were counted, and how they were counted – a fairly won contest would you say?
    We have a new party launched yesterday evening, The Pubican party who are standing for the right for people to smoke in pubs. They intend to stand at the next general election and as such are opposing the proposed bill by the Scottish Parliament to ban smoking in such places. Already they seem to have a touch of arrogance proclaiming that they could smash the Green vote, and if elected they would stand down. Addiction is a terrible thing, although they do seem to have some very good engineers and scientists giving advice to their party as they claim they have air extraction which can completely remove tobacco particles from a pub. ASH claim that such a machine hasn’t been invented, and I tend to feel it would probably create a vacuum so you would probably have to leave the room to obtain some oxygen! I find it sad that what I assume are intelligent people should wish to promote their selfish habits which not only kill themselves, but other people as well through passive smoking. Cigarette packets in the UK now have half the pack carrying warnings such as “SMOKING KILLS’, but this seems to have little effect upon smokers stopping. What would? £20 a packet, £20 a cigarette. Many people have kicked the habit but now it seems that smokers have a political party to support their ways. Whatever next.. ‘The bring back bear baiting’ party so we can reemploy all those redundant bears?

  4. Perhaps the somkers will call themselves
    Real monster loony party?
    Wow I like that typo:
    Somkers united will never be stubbed out!

    I think there should be a box for comments on each ballot paper if you are unhappy with the choice - I mean you couldn't get a fagpaper between the main parties most of the time for instance. At the last local election in Nairn this blogster had very little room to write disparaging comments about a local member (nothing obscene) I must add!

  5. Perhaps the somkers will call themselves
    Real monster loony party?
    Wow I like that typo:
    Somkers united will never be stubbed out!

    I think there should be a box for comments on each ballot paper if you are unhappy with the choice - I mean you couldn't get a fagpaper between the main parties most of the time for instance. At the last local election in Nairn this blogster had very little room to write disparaging comments about a local member (nothing obscene) I must add!
