
Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Death of Nairnshire

The Boundary commission's proposals take no account of local feelings, history or culture and will hack off Piperhill and Cawdor and give them to be administered with Smithton and Ardersier. The concept of Nairnshire becomes redundant without Cawdor. Ok, Nairnshire no longer exists as an independent local government area but the fact that the historical territory corresponds to the Highland Council Department has meant that the name has been able to live on.
Is there the stomach in the community for a fight? It is close to a general election and at such times people have been known to make promises. We need a public meeting and a campaign off the ground quickly and our councilors are the ones to set that up. Come on Sandy, let's kick ass!. Are we going to let the Boundary commission get away with this?
If anyone wants to make 'Save Nairnshire' T-shirts this blog will buy one.


  1. Maybe an ideal oppurtunity for our local rag to start a campaign? After all the loss or areas could affect sales!
    On a more realistic note how about a list of local polititions on the blog + email addresses with a rote letter which interested folk can send to them (or adapt).
    Maybe even give them details of this Blog so they can stay in touch with local feeling

  2. Here's a good site to do that
    Jusy put in yout Postcode. You do have to acknowledge a conformation e-mail but it saves searching.
    Blog central command has informed IV12 4**'s fearless community defender Liz MacDonald and not doubt we will have a reply soon.
    Can't see the proposals going down well in genteel Cawdor too. Will there be fireworks?
