
Thursday, March 17, 2005

New mock victorian street lights are proving to be a mockery! (contributed)

Braking Gurn! From our regular correspondent iright(just in time for the midnight edition). - Mutiny possible in the Fishertown? Fasten your seatbelt and read this gurn:

'Seem to remember reading that these very expensive fakes were funded by lottery money? Anyhow, apart from having to dig up most of the fishertown, the lights are not going where the old street light were, so many folk upset that their bedrooms etc are all of a sudden being illuminated. To add insult to injury the new lights just don't look right. The poles are too high (for gas lights - remember someone used to light them), and seem to be quite thin with the result that they sway in the slightest breeze. There is a square at Wick where such lights have been installed and they do look OK there (shorter poles) Nairn fishertown has been buggered about so much planning wise that it is going to take a lot more than a few repro gas lights to make it look good. I say bring back middens!'


  1. West end of Park Street is where two triffid like examples of the lights have been installed. Wonder if there is anyone in authority who might agree upon my observations, and give a monkey enough to halt the work until Nairn folk give their opinions, or at least take a peek for themselves. I could be wrong, I am not an authority when it comes to how repro electric gas lights should look!

  2. thanks for that Keith... I have not prayed in many a moon but will maybe start wearing a hard hat, not only to protect me from the sticks but also the swaying lights.

    Guess I am between rock, a hard hat, and some lamposts

  3. Looks like Keith stole the show tonight iright and the limelight?
    Pity he couldn't come and steal the new lights too?
    But the fight goes on blogger comrades!
    The struggle continues, keep gurning and maybe those lights will cease burning.
    Going to say my prayers now.
    Oidhche mhath
