
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

What shall we call it? Atlantis?

The new town of 3,000 proposed on the site of the McD's on the Carse. Carse has to be ruled out for obvious reasons. What about Atlantis? Very handy if global warming moves faster than predicted?
And street names?
David Stewart MP Photo-Opportunity Crescent
Alastair Darling Was Here Avenue
Wish List Mansions?
Let's look on the bright side. Atlantis will have a supermarket before Nairn and perhaps there will be a tube line so we can go out and get some shopping and also maybe enjoy, a state-of-the-art fitness studio, health services, (might have NHS dentists in Atlantis), a community centre(now there's an idea), and council service point. There will be affordable housing too, tourism and leisure developments according to an Aberdeen based daily newspaper.
Wow! Atlantis isn't even built and it has most things Nairn hasn't got - David Stewart MP is amazing, truly amazing. Wouldn't need to use a Viewfield, Showfield or Sandown field if we go Carse brownfield!


  1. Atlantis is maybe a tad imaginative; after all you do live in a country that managed to come up with a region known as Central because it was, well central. I would suggest that the new town be called Fab (from oil fabrication yard) because as you rightly say it is going to be fab, and will have everything Nairn wants but can’t decide where to put it! In the ever revolving door of politics it was interesting to hear our ever smiling Davie Stewart welcome the new development, but say that the land could of course be used for industrial purposes if the executive decided that was what it should be for. Nothing like going 100% behind every option – are we near an election, too right, lets make everyone happy.
    Maybe the street names could reflect what we think of our political friends, but there again no, for who would want to live in Scumbag Mews?
    Let us hope that houses are built last. In that way contentious properties such as supermarkets etc would have no objectors.
    I can’t imagine the new town of Fab welcoming Nairnites. I envisage a ring of steel to keep the nare do wells firmly at the gates. Regret the only way you are going to get in is to move there!

  2. Hi Ekim,
    Brownfield is a uk development term used to reffer to former industrial land – i.e. anywhere there used to be jobs. As opposed to building on a green field – i.e. the magnificent countryside on the end of town.
    iright Fab sounds Fab – if they won’t let us into the new town to do our shopping we’ll just have to march along to the Fab Ivory Towers with flaming torches – could be done on a Saturday night to maximize numbers?

  3. a quick search on web suggests 'Stargate' is a science fiction film? Is this the link to Fab (maybe Ofaby - Oil FABrication Yard) - kinda Nordic or even Basque?

    Should we watch this film? (Stargate)

    etc is etc etc and might even be ad in fin itum :-)

  4. If only we had a dial up code to a town centre with a weekly market full of local healthy produce next to a brand new community centre?

  5. 01463... no weekly market but the revamped community centre called Eden Court looks good (if you live there)
