
Sunday, April 17, 2005

Signs of the times?

Auldearn sports 3 Lib-Dem signs at the junction for Cawdor and a sprinkling of Labour posters hit Nairn sometime yesterday. It's still a two-way race between the Libs and the SNP as far as the poster wars go, still not even a dash of green recycled cardboard yet? Have the Tories decided to give the posters a miss this time round. A free Vanilla slice to the first person to spot a political poster on a house (or would such a thing be considered so un-cool in this time and age where there is so much contempt for politics of the Westminster kind?).
Also standing are the SSP and the Publicans and maybe strutting their stuff from lamposts somewhere in Nairn quite soon?


  1. Ardesier, home to the local Green candidate Donnie McLeod was Green poster free yesterday (maybe just being very green and not wasting materials on such useless items?)
    The Regal bar in Nairn sports Publican Party posters in the window, I guess they should be a tobacco brown colour? But private homes do seem to be poster free a the moment, but then I'm still awaiting a candidate (of any party) to call on me for a banter and maybe a free poster - maybe I will just have to make my own :-)

  2. And tonight it seems the Publican party have staggered into town with one poster low on a lamppost outside the high church. Come on boys... club together for a ladder, or are they against your party policy?

  3. Been to Aberdeen today and didn't see one poster or sign at all!
    Are all the political parties short of activists or are the activists short of political parties to trust? And do the activists now express themselves in other creative ways around single issue campaigns for examole?

  4. I have the answer to the Aberdeen question as far as lamp-posts and street furniture posters. They are all taken down, presumably by council employees. Only the large official billbords survive the cull. (Many BB posters were removed the day after they mysteriously appeared in Aberdeen, a select few survive).
    In general, I struggle to find many people in Aberdeen who even want to talk about the election, never mind take part in a campaign.
    I think it's down to apathy but I can't be bothered to check ;o)

  5. Cheers curious Hamster, since then saw two LibDem posters in windows in King Street, but further up the road the Uni is covered in posters for the student executive elections:-)
