
Thursday, May 19, 2005

Green party let's be charitable...

The last sign left from the election in the High Street. The Green Party are always saying they are different and yes here's the proof. Shall we be charitable and just call them ignorant? This blogger has said it before and will say it again: if you want that second vote for the Scottish Parliament next time round then get your finger out and prove that you are interested in Nairn, interested enough to take that sign down and stop looking like numpties would be a start!


  1. ... now don't be cruel to our earth-shoe wearing brethren and sisters (-;

    (Isn't there an electoral rule, though, with a time-limit for taking these things down? I seem to recall this from when I used to trek around Inverness, Nairn and Grantown-on-Spey putting these things up, then usually the day after the election, or at most two days later going back to get them all down.)

  2. I'm just back from a journey to Caithness and Sutherland. Didn't see any Green posters but there were plenty New Labour and SSP to be seen awaiting a gale to remove them from their lampposts. I think our Green candigate probably lost his deposit/shirt in this election so the posters are likely to remain. And apart from a thank you letter in the local rag, Davie Stewart is still a web presence - I wonder if he too has joined the dark side?

  3. Nothing wrong with the green life-style Bill if you can afford a designer piece of string for the dog and an endless supply of Carlsberg Special.
    However on a serious level, many folk in Nairn get on with their green initiatives on a personal level and even work with others sometimes. It just sticks in my gut when the Green Party just seems to be playing the same game as all the others. I'd better shut up or maybe start another blog entitled- Down with the Green Party organic lamb farmers who can't be arsed to take their signs down rant blog!
    Time for further investigations at the Thonghouse I think, far better fun.
