
Friday, October 10, 2008

Afternoon school run jam

The usual afternoon scene at the top end of the High Street as parents head home with their children. Following the debate that seems to be opening up on feet versus cars on the Bailey Bridge the Gurn would like to hear from parents. Do you drive the kids to school? Is it quicker? Do you travel a great distance? Would it be healthier to walk? Are there other reasons that make the car the better choice?
The picture will enlarge. As a wee side issue is it only on the road sign at this junction that the 'C''s are disappearing or is it happening all over Nairnshire?


  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Happens every single day during school term, a slowly increasing amount of times during the holidays too.

    We have come to accept cars as a necessary part of everyday life , and most people see them as the great time saver. They are nothing of the sort of course.

    They pickpocket your time, they steal it when you're not looking. They afford us the ability to go anywhere, anytime, and too many people do just that, without a thought.

    Those of us who manage most of our journeys without them are of a different philosophy. Call us alternative, odd, early adopters of the new revolution, or perhaps the folks that actually find not using the car, particularly around the town , rather amazingly, seems to afford us 'more time'.

    Must be some sort of reverse Ensteinien theory at play.

    Who knows? More people should try it for sure though.

    My own philosophy.

    1.Pedestrianise the High Street, or at least restict its use to those willing to use it at suitable speeds.

    2.If we are going to see developments at Delnies, Sandown, Whiteness Head over the next few years then we must ensure a proper intergrated network of paths/ boardwalks is created to allow easy access into, and around, the town for those prefering to use more sutainable methods of transport.

    3. If there is any chance of not having a supermarket in the town centre, the please don't have the Council build a bigger car park. In terms of helping congestion, that would be the equivalent of trying to put out a fire, using petrol.

    A bypass would be a great help of course. Perhaps the installation of the additonal sets of traffic lights for the Sainbury's store may galvanise everyone's thoughts in that direction. It could be just the catalyst the town needs . Surely, if we end up totally
    gridlocked, then they'll have to build a bypass. Won't they ? :)

  2. Thanks anon, interesting piece. Why not treat your self to a nom de plume?
    Look to the future everyone is the message from anon@9.54.
    'A chance of not having a supermarket in the town centre?' you say. Can't help thinking that is a sort of 'Back to the future project': a supermarket fit for the 1980's?
    In the meantime since the Scottish Government has denied us a Sainsbury's (for the time being) should they not provide free buses to the nearest decent supermarket by way of compensation?

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    My main concern , as there is a real possibility that the the town centre scheme may now fall flat on its tush, is that 'A BIG CAR PARK' seems to be the main priority, among those who really should know better.

    Why not some new smaller shops? Open market place/ courtyard areas,linked through to the High Street, which, of course, would be devoid of cars :)

    Build a park and ride. There'll still be enough space at Balmakeith, even with a supermarket there. Sainsbury's might even buy a bus :) and with a decent section 75 agreement with Pettifer's in place, we might have enough cash to start looking at some proper works on the High Street.

    Of course, it may well be sabotaged by Asda home delivery van drivers , passing through Nairn en-route to supply the needs of the hungry householders in Inverness, as read in today's P+J.

  4. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Interesting letter in today's Nairnshire echoing some of my points.

    I'm not the only voice in the darkness, yippee !!!! :)

  5. Out of Nairnshire reach until approx 1930 Spurtle.
    Withdrawals already kicking in :-(

  6. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I learned as soon as I moved here to simply take the side road by the doctors surgery, thus avoiding the long traffic queues along the High Street. :)

    And if the A96 is too jammed up to turn right, then just turn left then nip quickly among the West villas, around the sea front, and back to the roundabout - usually ahead of the traffic. :)

    I like to try and avoid the jams, and we're certainly forewarned - though weather permitting, we'll do at least some part of the 2 mile school walk from the end of Lochloy Road. Need a little exercise every now and then. :)

    - Brian from MyNairn. :)
