
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Maggot Road it is and Maggot Road it should stay!

An angry local responds to the previous article:
'The Nairnshire Telegraph Editorial summed it up perfectly. I 've never heard such nonsense from elected members and community councillors who should know better. Maggot Road it is and Maggot road it should stay. How many towns and city's still have a Gallowgate. Rather gruesome history but fascinating nonetheless. Some of these people should get off their backsides and read the plaque at the Maggot installed at not inconsiderable expense which explains the areas origins.
We already have confusion between Merryton Gardens/Crescent; WyvisRoad/Drive and it would be the same if we created a Riverside Drive when we already have a RiverbankTerrace. Anyway why use a title like drive for a postal address for a block of flats. It's absolute nonsense. Get real and preserve our local history. Preserve it and be proud of it. We had the same nonsene when the sewerage bridge was renamed Merryton Bridge.'
Angry Local.
The Gurnmeister agrees, enough of this Orwellian renaming crap, let's tell them to get lost - Maggot Road or nothing!


  1. Maggot7:00 PM

    Pig Street, Witches Lane, Sewage Bridge, Knifey, Willie TipToe , For pities sake leave our well loved and known name places alone. Anyway, as I was thinking about the name of the local industries at the location in question, Merryton Works was the address of Frasers the Joiners - Builders where I served my apprenticeship.

  2. Anonymous7:10 PM

    How about bilingual signs? No not Gaelic but real Nairn names and the sanitised new ones underneath?

  3. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Right, SEWERAGE BRIDGE VIEW How does that sound?.

  4. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Does this mean Maggot might have to change his blog name to Riverside as well as the road?

  5. Perhaps could make up for their recent mistakes and issue a blockbuster leaflet:
    'Discover the hidden street names of Nairn?'

  6. James Logan Ralph9:21 PM

    That area where they are building those flats is historically called "The Shambles" (pre 1900) and was also the location of the "Star" well. So maybe it should retain its historical name cause it does not appear to have changed its description - its still a shambles.

  7. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I'm with Maggot, if there has to be a change then it's Merryton Works - if not Maggot Rd it stays

    We all know how much of our town and heritage is being eroded by this sorry buch of lily livered councillors - if they are not prepared to fight for Nairn then "pack in" and we'll find someone that is....!!!

  8. growtosow8:14 PM

    im with you on that one anonymous all talk they should be working for us up to now not a lot has happend in nairn? but its time it did all the buildings that are not being used i am sure they could move on that or are they just going to stay and get worse to look at? move on folks.

  9. Never mind all that!! Hold onto your hats, cowboys, cos Pookie has it from a very reliable source (pillow talk, as they say!), that the Highland Council and other shadowy 'agencies', plan to turn Nairn into a Wild West Shoot 'em up' theme park! (As opposed to a 'shooting up' theme park, which would in fact, be something quite, quite different.) Oh yes! Complete with drink as much as you like saloon bars, whorehouses, ermm...whores, horses, hoedowns, beef jerky (?!) buffalo, Native Nairnites, tumbleweed (flown over 1st class, specially from New Mexico no less, at taxpayers expense of course!) And a very easily duped 'deputy dawg sherrif' into the bargain! In fact, you could say they are planning to launch the 'whole darn shootin' match!!

    But fear not, I will remain 'under the covers', and will report back as soon as I am sober enough to do so without barfing, darlings...
