
Monday, April 13, 2009

Outbreak of retail activity on the High Street

The shop formerly known as 'Pulse' comes back to life. Why not go down and have a browse.


  1. Anonymous6:33 PM

    If the shop has only recently opened how can everything already be half price or less. Doesn't stock need to be on sale at full price for a certain time before such price claims are made?

  2. Spurtle8:45 PM

    It would seem, from the sign at the bottom of the window, that it's a High Street outlet for 'Wildday'. They've been operating for the industrial estate for years. Whether anyone capable of exercising free agency still attaches any credibility to signs claiming 'half price sales' these days is a completely separate matter though :)

    One fewer empty shop in the town though ( and Nairn already has less than half the national average of empty shops). I know our town comes in for some flak but, compared to many other places the UK, it's not doing too bad.

  3. Yes Spurtle, simply another outlet for a Nairn based business, loads of camping goodies in there, seem to be at competitive prices too.

  4. Seems out of a recent survey High Wycombe came top for empty shops (23.6%), not sure if the company concerned Colliers CRE have heard of Nairn!

  5. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Approx 110 shops/pubs/ cafes etc in Nairn. About six or seven empty ones at the moment, making our percentage approx 6.36% - so far below the average that we don't even register on the 'doom and gloom' scale :)

  6. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Approx 110 shops/pubs/ cafes etc in Nairn. About six or seven empty ones at the moment, making our percentage approx 6.36% - so far below the average that we don't even register on the 'doom and gloom' scale :)

  7. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Anyone else got a sense of 'deja vu' with the comments tonight, or is the double vision coming back?

  8. 'Och well I could do with a new pair of combats and a crew cut!
