
Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Clubbing in Nairn until 3 a.m. could become a reality

That's the ultimate aim of those who want to transform the former Nairn County Social Club into a nightclub. A presentation was given this evening to the River Community Council in the Laing Hall.
If all goes well with the planning permission they plan to take the building on a five-year lease from the football club. There are extensive plans to transform the building into a state of the art club catering for up to 480 people although it is envisaged that capacity will be restricted to 300. £180,000 will be spent on the interior of the former cinema. Up to 10 jobs could be created by the nightclub project.
The club would open two nights from 9.00 pm to 3.00 am should the licensing authority grant those hours.
Near neighbours were worried about noise and disruption from the club but were assured that adequate sound proofing would be used. Others too had concerns about the noise people leaving the club might make in the early hous but it was suggested that overall there could even be a reduction in the noise made in the town centre if people were inside a club instead of hanging around on the High Street after the pubs shut. Midnight was the curfew hour, once in you would have to stay there.
It was indeed interesting how much of the discussion centered around policing matters rather than the minutiae of how the club will be operated and no doubt it will be the police who will have a large say in what opening hours are eventually granted.
The presentation attracted one or two more than usual for a River Community Council meeting, perhaps the wet evening kept a few others at home as one might have thought this project would have attracted a few more folk wishing to make representations. It's now up to the planning and licensing authorities.


  1. bigholly9:19 AM

    Bigholly Rant incoming......

    For years now Nairn's Pubs and Clubs have been restricted by opening and closing hours. I wonder what makes this lot think they are different? What will happen to the Caley and the Star with regards to their opening hours? Indeed the Seaforth and the Legion could argue about them being restricted as these places are both "Clubs" as well. I honestly cant see them getting a 3am Licence but if they do, watch the sparks fly with the other pubs and clubs in the town.

  2. With the reported loss of trade to many licensed establishments over the last year or two I would have thought increased opening hours is the last thing most bars/clubs would want.
    It is not as though they are going to attract many more punters by having near 24/7 opening, just the same folk spread over a longer period which equals higher overheads (Staff, lights, heating etc). I assume the new club would not be opening until early evening?
    Existing venues are going to have to do a lot more than match their opening hours to compete with a new club, maybe that is what they are afraid of?

  3. Anonymous6:48 PM

    On top of all the things mentioned by Iright and Bigholly there's also the fact that the location borders onto a residential area, Church Street. The High Street is bad enough at the moment with noise and mess on a Friday/Saturday night with people hanging about (why?) for up to two hours after chucking out time There's also the impact of up to 300/400 people (how big is it going to be on the inside?) coming and going in an area where there is limited parking. There would be the inevitable taxi's sitting about the High Street waiting for punters and all the comings and goings with this. Also, from what I've heard about the state of the current building, would £180k be enough to do it up?
    I agree Nairn may need some sort of venue (to stop the leakage to Inverness!) but this is the wrong place. The old Community Centre would be ideal for something like this! Or maybe the old Rosebank Church?

  4. ...Comin' atcha from Badenoch & strathspey! Respect due, Nairn Massive! Rockin' the plastic like a man from the Cairngorms...!
    For Christ's sake lighten up & have a Bacardi Breezer (or three) you lotta moanin' minnies, you!!
    Pooketta XX

  5. Wish it was open the night, cos I for one would be down there propping up the bar and requesting songs from the Ibiza rave era PXX
