
Monday, May 25, 2009

Good news on Town centre redevelopment fund‏ bid

Optimistic news from David Brownless of the Association of Nairn Businesses:
'I Thought the Gurn would be interested to know of some progress on the ‘Town Centre Redevelopment Fund’.

The Association of Nairn Businesses, particularly Sheena Baker, have been encouraging the Highland Council to ensure that Nairn is well placed to make a project bid which could attract funding from the scheme. I am pleased to say that the Council have really taken up the challenge in endeavouring to lodge an application before the deadline.

The cut off date for the first phase of the TDRF is practically impossible to meet, if preparatory work on any project is not already well advanced. Fortunately for Nairn, in the Streetscape proposals, we have such a scheme, which has already been out for public consultation, and comes complete with fully prepared drawings.

Due to funding issues the Brae was the only area that could be initially considered for upgrading but now there is the potential to start a new phase and complete the works right up to the Cawdor Road/Leopold Street junction. We are well aware of the problems with the Supermarket site, and the empty properties close by, but we have to be realistic. The amount of money available, combined with ownership issues and the time available, mean that we could not even begin to think about solving that problem with this funding.

The works being proposed have the potential to make a real difference to the whole feel and appearance of the town centre. We need to start somewhere in creating a High Street better equipped to deal with the challenges that it will face over the coming years, and we feel that this fund offers a tremendous opportunity to take a major step forward.

It would be fantastic for Nairn if we could get this project approved, otherwise it will take many years to see the High Street revamped if funding has to be found from other sources.

The Association of Nairn Businesses is 100% behind the Highland Council in making this application, and we really hope to encourage the people of the town and those involved in tourism and other businesses generally to support the bid. The matter will be discussed at the Nairn Forum/Partnership on Wednesday 27th May .

David Brownless
Vice Chair -ANB '


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    David, I'm a little confused about the connection between the "Nairn Business Association" and "Association of Nairn Business". Has the group renamed?

    Also, on the issue of pedestrianisation of the High St, was the NBA/ANB in favour of full pedestrianisation, partial, or none at all? Apologies, can't find the earlier references as to the group's preference.

    - Brian

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Hello Brian,

    The 'proper' title is 'The Association of Nairn Businesses or 'ANB', though we also get the 'NBA', the 'NAB' , and 'who?'

    During the Streetscape consultation process, I believe making the High Street car free was not offered as a viable option , mainly due to the problems with servicing the domestic and commercial premises that lay to the east, between the High Street and the River.

    If it had been offered to the ANB as an option, my experience leads me to think that it would have lead to some interesting debates.

    I'm sure that the proposed changes to the High Street will make a major impact though , making for a safer and much more pleasant environment for pedestrians.


  3. Hi David, you should have all gone for BAN, an acronym we would all remember :-)

  4. David Brownless10:02 PM

    Reminds me of one the many great lines from the Python team -

    " Are you the Judean People's Front?"
    "**** off. The Judean People's Front!We're the People's Front of Judea!"

    I quite like 'BAN' but we may get into a pickle with the 'Basel Action Network' who seem to be doing great works in attempting to prevent extremely unpleasant things getting washed up on beaches in the developing world.

    Probably best stick to the 'ANB' :)
