
Sunday, August 02, 2009

Five 'town houses' for rear part of Woolies building?

Picture will enlarge. Anyone that knows the Water Lane area might be surprised at the scale and density of this development given that the High Street area is characterised by its Closes with little or no parking (a situation made worse recently with the loss of 7 spaces on the brae). Parts of Water Lane are so narrow that a car cannot safely pass a pedestrian without the vehicle or the human being giving way. According to this plan there are only to be three parking spaces for five 'town houses'. You can't blame a developer for trying to make the most of the former Woolies building but surely five houses down such a small lane is over development? Is this the face of the future for Nairn, massive infill on every spare bit of land that comes up for grabs?
As the notice to neighbours states:
'The application, plans and other documents submitted may be inspected at all reasonable hours in the register of planning application kept by the Planning Authority at the Area Planning Office at 88 High Street, Nairn during the period of 14 days beginning with the date of this notice; and any person who wishes to make representations to the above-mentioned Council about the application should make them in writing within that period to the Council at the address of the Area Planning Office given above.'
There you are Gurnites, if you are worried about any aspects of this plan or would like to find out the exact details, you know where to go. It could be happening in a street near you next!


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    The face of the future - coming to a space near you soon?

  2. Did no one tell them that the Area Planning Office at 88 High Street (Barron House) had closed? Or am I missing something? If I am right then a new batch of letters will be required.

  3. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Hmm… Water Lane, surely the developers will want to change this name as it suggests damp or even flooding and would devalue the fine new properties. Pic & Mix Close in honour of Woolworths, no too trivial, perhaps Nairn Lane would be more acceptable?

  4. Anonymous9:05 PM

    One correction there is no such place as 1 and 2 water lane.

  5. Iain, that interesting information has been forwarded to an elected representitive of the Highland Council for their action.

  6. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Never mind,could have been worse I suppose.LIke a New Arts Centre.Right in the middle of town

  7. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I wonder what view the relevant Community Council took of this planning proposal...

    Did they question whether the plan was reasonable and justified? Did they query the access and parking arrangements?

  8. They haven't seen it yet, please be patient more will be revealed about this particular application within 48 hours :-)

  9. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Anonymous,please get your facts right before spouting off.Read your "Nairnshire".

  10. What do the residents of #5 think?

  11. All residents are still considering potential objecitons and representations.
