
Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanks for the show

Thanks for a great evening's free entertainment everyone. It brightened up a dark night, well done for all the hard work put it.
More pictures now available on the Gurn flickr pages, just click here.

UPDATE: please read the comment in from Des McCulloch


  1. Des McCulloch6:47 PM

    Hi. ‘I’m the Project Director of WINTERSONG, the procession organised and run by INSPIRE, the young person’s working group, and I look forward to seeing the results of your online poll. However I would be grateful if you would correct a mistake.
    If I may explain.
    The 2009 Winter processions were called ‘WINTERSONG’, a celebration of the coming of winter and all the good things it brings, including Christmas.
    The ceremony for the switching on of the winter lights was not called Wintersong Lights, but the ‘Winter Lights Switch On’.

    The lights were fundraised by the Rotary Club of Nairn with the bulk of the finance coming from the European Union which issued a directive that they be called Winter Lights to ensure that public money was seen to be used for the good of the whole community. I would add that the beautiful local school children’s designs chosen, include many traditional images of Christmas.

    On behalf of all involved with INSPIRE, I’d like to point out that the organisation adopts an open door policy in all its projects and that it’s aim is to provide the people of the area and young people in particular, with opportunities to celebrate our cultural heritage in all its diversity. I believe with WINTERSONG, we’ve succeeded in producing an inclusive celebration and as the song says,

    ‘Auld and young folk – a’ the same,
    Come and sing and light up Nairn!’

    With best wishes for the festive season

    OBO Alastair McDonald’

  2. Anonymous6:49 PM

    A Nairn Christian says,
    So money and who provides it for services, lies at the heart of the reason as to why the title ‘WINTERSONG’ replaced ‘Christmas songs.’
    The enemy of your souls is truly subtle and full of wit as The Word of God describes him, eh. Wheels within wheels, machinations of an inscrutable kind favouring shadowy figures - i.e. ’THE DARK SIDE’ are at their undermining work. Who are these moles I wonder, men and women. The ‘Truth’, that much abused word, always defeats those who manipulate it, because like fire it is too hot to handle. Now there is material for a metaphysical poem. In conclusion and asking no quarter and granting none, I’ll say this (mindful of the Watching Lord of All), “To those who are ashamed of ME”, saith the Lord, “I will be ashamed of them!” Rise up ye men and women and children of God, have done with lesser things and remember the Lord who can end wars, control the weather, heal the sick, raise the dead, forgive all sins and cleanse your immortal soul is watching you as you read this comment and no matter how you regard it, will do HIS work in your heart. He said “I am where 2 or 3 are gathered together in MY NAME!“ If we do HIS WILL, HE will provide the funds.
