
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Frozen pavements in High Street area once again!

Parts of the town centre were very dangerous for pedestrians and cars this afternoon. Perhaps salting might(?) have occurred earlier in the day and maybe the temperature dropped quickly but surely someone should have been on standby to throw a bit of salt on the pavements and car parking areas of the town centre? The situation was just as bad in parts of the town centre as it was in the aftermath of Hogmany last year when Nairnites abandoned the pavements for the comparative safety of the roads.
Today was supposedly the biggest shopping day of the year, surely the town centre deserved a bit more service from the Highland Council? It was left to shoppers themselves to make the situation safer and two women were seen taking salt out of the yellow bin in the vennel between the Royal Bank and Somerfields and gritting the surface down to the High Street. Perhaps shoppers and shopkeepers are due a refund on their council tax for this?


  1. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Over here in Canada sidewalks are the responsibility of the house or business owner to clear.
    After a snowfall or good icing the owner has 12 hours to take care of the problem or they face a fine.
    Maybe Nairn is heading in this direction.

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Yes, but in Nairn it's always the responsibility of someone else.
