
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Making the Firhall Bridge more accessible

Murd Dunbar demonstrates the existing room for manoeuvre on the Firhall Bridge to illustrate how, if the disused pipes were removed and ramps built on either side, it would be possible to go over the bridge in a wheelchair. Mums with bairns in pushchairs can be regularly seen struggling to get up the existing bridge steps. Murd recently won the support of the River Community Council and the Gurn understands he recently presented his case to the West at their meeting this week. No doubt a report of that meeting will appear in the Nairnshire. The Gurn further understands that Councillor Graham Marsden is making further efforts to support this initiative. An idea that has now been costed at between £15,000 and £20,000. Graham Marsden succinctly makes the point that having spent money recently to make the paths more accessible it doesn't make sense not to upgrade the bridge. The money would not come from Highland Council funds but from other sources of funding.

Well done Murd! Well done Graham! Keep campaigning.


  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    If the council do decide to make the Firhall bridge more accessible for buggies and wheelchairs, by building ramps etc, let's not miss an opportunity - make it suitable for cyclists too !

  2. David Brownless1:31 PM

    I wish to be associated with the comments of the previous speaker : )

    Sounds like a worthwhile project all round.

  3. Anonymous8:35 PM

    The DDA regs require a 1:12 ratio ramp for wheelchair access..!

    This would require 2 mega size ramps to comply, you also have to take into consideration 2 wheelchairs meeting at any given point - so that also requires a specific minimum width.

    Anyone on the Nairn Access panel care to comment..???

  4. We can have a passing place on one of the ramps :-)

  5. nairnbairn11:37 PM

    Passing places? Nah... it would have to be the standard Nairn answer to any local traffic problem: another set of lights! Or even a set at each end of the bridge?

  6. Hi Anon, just in from Murd a section of the consultant's report, it makes no mention of a dual carriageway being necessary.
    We'll shortly be putting up the entire report but in the meantime here's the extract as promised
