
Thursday, March 04, 2010

Fishertown Stores now open

Our retail correspondent Windle Brook reports:
Thought you'd like to know, the revived 'Fishertown Stores' on Harbour Street opened its doors Wed morning at 7.30 a.m.. The new owners are Rebecca Randerson and Gemma Williams, who are sisters. The store is refitted, with smart shelving and freezers/fridges, and a new scanning cash register. By removing a rear wall, the shop now has about 50% more floorspace. The owners will also offer home deliveries. Their phone number is 453280. I was favourably impressed by the store fitting work, the stock range and the friendly and experienced owners. Good luck to them. I hope they do well with it.


  1. David Brownless6:29 PM

    I would like to wish all the best to the new Fishertown Stores.

    The importance of a small general store in Fishertown is underestimated by many and I'm please to see that someone feels the same as me.

    Good luck to them.I'll be in on Sunday for a quarter of something that will do my teeth and waistline no good at all :)

  2. David Brownless6:32 PM

    I would like to wish all the best to the new Fishertown Stores.

    The importance of a small general store in Fishertown is underestimated by many and I'm please to see that someone feels the same as me.

    Good luck to them.I'll be in on Sunday for a quarter of something that will do my teeth and waistline no good at all :)

  3. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Yes good luck to the new Fishertown stores. Long gone are the likes of the chandlers in the Fishertown and even the relatively new retail units at the harbour are just a memory apart from the cafe. Does anyone remember the very nice bike store that was there?

  4. Seafield8:43 PM

    Wishing Fishertown Stores every success and congratulations in having the energy initiative and drive to get things moving in such a short timeframe. I am sure the Fishertown (and others including tourists) will benefit greatly - home deliveries being offered is a really worthwhile additional service. Very best of luck to you indeed!

  5. David Brownless11:02 PM

    I don't know how I managed it but seem to have posted the same post twice but it only counted as one post....hope some devious property developers haven't parachuted IT guerillas into Gurn HQ to tinker with the Sinclair ZX80.

    I well remember the bike shop on the harbour. I was held prisoner there for ten years. The shop was cold , small & there was a block of granite used to keep the door closed in windy weather. Did I mention it was cold?

    These days we have lots more space; no granite block to keep the door closed & even some strange installation called 'central heating', though I fear there are a team of number crunchers at Scottish Gas HQ , working overtime to prepare our next gas bill :)

    The Harbour development could have been something special but a developer who did little to deliver the commitments he had made prior to insolvency and a Council that were too willing to pander to his requests for more shops and less flats meant, from a retail perspective, it never reached a critical mass & was doomed to a lingering death from day one.

    We managed ten years there before finally having to up sticks and head up town.

  6. growtosow8:58 PM

    yes hope they do well with it. i was in the other night for a bag a sweets still eating them. old fashion favourites very good choice.
