
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Danny Alexander launches his election campaign - Will Nairn Swimming Pool get a mention?

The Lib Dem MP's site states

'Local Liberal Democrat MP Danny Alexander has today formally launched his re-election campaign - on the day that Gordon Brown finally goes to Buckingham Palace to call the election for May 6th. Mr Alexander will be campaigning this afternoon in Inverness with fellow Highland MP Charles Kennedy and Jim Wallace, former Scottish Liberal Democrat leader. Mr Alexander, Mr Kennedy, and Mr Wallace will be available for interview and photographs on the steps of the Inverness town house at 5pm today.'

Danny says: "On local and national issues, I have spoken out to ensure that the interests of the Highlands are heard at Westminster. Whether it is resisting Post Office closures, fighting for more affordable housing and more transport investment, pressing for fairer fuel and heating bills, or pushing for fairer taxation and to clean up politics, the Liberal Democrats have been on the side of local people.' More information on Danny's site.

Well Danny there's 652 people on a Facebook group and thousands more elsewhere in Nairnshire who would dearly love to see you speak out on a certain local issue! Does Danny support the campaign to save Nairn Swimming Pool?

Update 20.15: 754 people have joined the facebook protest group now - will it reach 1,000?


  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Dont think he will step up to the mark,

  2. Let them eat muffins12:47 PM

    So what news Danny of Nairn's by-pass? Surely key in Nairnites support of the Lib Dems

    Is the election spin now one of 'let the train take the strain?' for the Lib Dem Nairn by-pass blog seems to have disappeared into cyberspace along with Danny's support (changes in party policy on roads & transport by any chance?)

    I predict a Lib Dem scrappage scheme for all Nairn drivers who have cars over 6 months old. This is the only way the Lib Dems can ensure all those now embarrassing 'Lib Dems support the Nairn by-pass' stickers are removed from view!

    No doubt banks going bust is going to be the excuse put forward for the sudden change of political heart, meanwhile Nairnites enjoy the A96 without Lib Dem support

    And then there was those MP's expenses. At least the most Danny seemed to run to with our money was a blueberry muffin, but perhaps there is more scandal lurking?

    I'm so looking forward to the next few weeks till May the 6th and I bet the lampposts can't wait to be covered in posters and I bet a few babies are just waiting to be kissed

    "Dan, Dan the muffin man
    quit the by-pass as quick as you can"

    Just a shame I can't think of anyone to vote for! I keenly await them darkening my door to enlist my support

  3. fustrated ardvark1:15 PM

    I have joined the Facebook group and signed petitions but would like some clarity on what the powers that be believe they will save by closing this cherished facility. Could there be an opportunity for some public / private enterprise rather than a straight forward closure? Could it even be possible to get some kind of community ownership?

    As an infrequent user of this facility I have often been frustrated about the time table offered - having frequently attempted to use the pool only to find its ladies only or too fat to float classes.

    The cold hard truth is whatever the election outcome painful cuts will have to be made by any administration and council and when faced with the choice between the closures of for example a children’s respite center or reducing the number of pools in the area I think it would be a straight forward decision. We need to recognise that cuts will come but we have to ensure they are well thought out and fairly distributed.
