
Friday, April 16, 2010

An effort at a splash of paint reveals:

The fine weather continued today, enough for one Gurnite to think about a splash of paint on an old garden bench. The seat in question came from the Fisherman's hall, but what the owner hadn't realised was that underneath was a list of names. 'Kenny's Mob' is one, and the other is for James Kemp (1954) with the scrawl '7 days time' and a skull and cross bones.

Does anyone know who these folk are, and why did they leave their names underneath a bench?

Kenny's Mob

David Spean
Tom Todd
Jim McKay
Gordon McCulloch
Thomas Dowdells
David Carrol
Ian Mitchell
Harry Mitchell
William McCabe
James McCabe
Bill Frances
Joe McLennon

All on the job

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Don't think they are locals
