
Monday, April 19, 2010

Tory Support for Nairn Swimming Pool

Tory candidate Jim Ferguson writes on his blog:

'I was saddened to hear that Highland Council were contemplating closure of Nairn Swimming Pool due to budget cuts.
It is a well run pool with a long history of serving the people of Nairn and I was saddened to see this news in the press.
Nairn swimming pool is a well loved, popular, social venue and brings great enjoyment to not only the people of the town, but the surrounding area too.
I learned to swim in Nairn Swimming pool and so did my children and I would be bitterly disappointed if it closed.'

Read more on Jim Ferguson's blog

1 comment:

  1. As a fan of on line media its good to see that at long last some of our prospective candidates have adopted an on line presence.

    Web site, Facebook, Blog, or Twitter all feature for some of our men who might find themselves in Westminster very soon, but what a shame that their digital updates are very sporadic and not at least daily at this particular time (Especially in the case of Twitter where you might expect several entries per day)

    I wonder if any of them take this form of communication with the voting public seriously or if it's just a 'me too' feeling that their parties have about web content?

    It's a real shame as there is so much content they could be giving to the electorate, there could even be on line debate!

    Perhaps the parties just want us to have a general veneer of the candidates rather than any digital soap box stuff which might expose too much

    It's a real shame as potentially it could make politics much more interesting, or is an informed public such a bad idea?
