
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sandown Development, Nairn - Appeal Dismissal‏ - NRCG press release

Just in:
In the light of the Reporter's dismissal of the Appeal by Deveron Highland Ltd for a 550 units development on Sandown Common Good Lands at Nairn I offer the following Press Release from the Nairn Residents Concern Group:


The NRCG, a small tight knit group of residents, are delighted to have been rewarded with a favourable decision, which makes the many hours spent getting to this result the more satisfying. The Reporter's conclusions are totally in tandem with those submitted in arguments at the Appeal Hearing by both THC and the NRCG, on behalf of the many Nairn residents, who objected to this development, namely; non-compliance with the Development Plan; the scale of development would be excessive for this prominent location and would constitute overdevelopment; the likely effect of densities, building heights, and reduced structural landscaping on the character and appearance of the area would be adverse and jarring.

In particular we note that set against the Appellant's justification for the development as ' opportunity to construct the type of development which Ministers are pressing developers to embrace.....', the Reporter stated that: 'there was no basis for imposing a supposed government standard deriving from national policy'. The decision to dismiss the appeal therefore is a victory for common sense and we would hope that THC will now seek to ensure that any development on Sandown Common Good Land, is in keeping with the Reporter's observations, and, that it especially retains the common good aspects of the area, that are clearly defended in the Local Plan.

This development was a weapon of mass construction, whose destructive potential has been unearthed, fortunately before it destabilised the Nairn environment and its gateway.

John Hart
for NRCG
Excellent news John and an opportunity for Nairn to move forward in a sensible way and with the community deciding what is appropriate for whatever goes on the Sandown Lands and not Highland Council or developers. Let's get it right next time round!


  1. The biggest opportunity for growth and investment in the town for years is thrown out, meanwhile we have empty shop units in the High St and the swimming pool and library threatened with closure. Good result ?

  2. Spelding9:57 AM

    Looking at Greg's comment I'm always a bit suspicious about the 'investment' part of the growth and investment phrase he uses. It often seems to be rolled out with no real meaning. Where would the investment in the town be? The building work would probably not involve local guys, Deveron would bring in their own. Profits from the sale of houses would go to Deveron. Short term income to the Highland Council for a one off sale of the land.
    I would suggest that Greg also explains to us where the 'empty shop units' are on the High Steet, another phrase often used to make it sound as if it includes half the High Street. In reality there aren't many, especially compared to Inverness High Street, and especially with the current economic situation we are in.

  3. "The biggest opportunity for growth and investment in the town for years is thrown out"

    It's not been thrown out, as much as Deveron have to come back with a realistic opportunity for growth and investment for the town, as opposed to simply creating a big hi rise stack of concrete because it is very profitable to do so.

  4. Anonymous1:49 PM

    It has been thrown out period

    If Deveron so wish they may come back with hugely revised plans

    I've no idea as to what you mean by:

    "realistic opportunity for growth and investment for the town"
