
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Over the top dog ban on the beach over at last

Thank goodness sense has at last prevailed and Highland Council have given up trying to enforce their long-standing and (to this observer) unjust dog ban on the 'Central' beach. This ban was a discrimination against local dog owners. At last locals and visitors will be able once again to enjoy taking their pets on the particular beach in question without any bother from this silly regulation - a regulation that large numbers of people simply ignored anyway. You can have expensive signs telling you to do this or that but if people think it unjust then they will just ignore the instructions on the shiny enamel plates. If someone is allowing their pet to misbehave then there is sufficient legislation to allow the proper authorities to deal with it, there is no need to target the law-abiding majority of pet owners and cause ill-feeling along the way.

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