
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

'The future of the town centre site should not become a political issue!'

At last night's West CC meeting Councillor Brian Stewart outlined, gingerly, his fears that the political divisions between our four Highland Councillors could impact on the Town Centre Development Group that is expected to be formally launched in the Courthouse at 17.30 on Thursday night.

Cllr Stewart said,' The future of the town centre site shoudl not become a political issue, political in the party sense. It is too important to become a matter of political point scoring between the ruling group & the opposition on the Highland Council. Ultimately for anything to happen we're going to need at least the acquiescence, if not the active support, of all Nairn's councilors.'

Brian is spot on with his comments and this observer feels that the community will deal harshly at the ballot box with anyone that tries to sabotage any group formed for their own political ends. Of course the issue is already political in a non-party sense, and with a big P too. That is to say that we have the aspirations of our community at loggerheads with what the Highland Council's vision for the town centre. Hopefully there will be one massive outbreak of peace and love to take the town centre issue forward in a positive way.

Have you got anything you could offer to the group that will probably formed on Thursday night? Why not go along and see if you can help?


  1. If I may add a word of caution here and draw your attention to a post on the APT blog from Saturday, 2 October 2010.

    APTSec would venture to suggest that this Highland Council administration, like the one before it, will be extremely keen to advance as much as possible on the planning front before the next LG elections.

    It may be worth considering this possiblity and the implications of it when looking at any proposals for development in and around Nairn.

  2. Will be returning to the Development plan (that is West's discussion of it last night) as soon as time permits. Will link to your article.
