
Saturday, November 13, 2010

How to get your buggy across the Firhall Bridge

Thanks to Murd for these pictures that illustrate the difficulties in getting across the Firhall Bridge if you set off round the river with a buggy and a bairn inside. Surely the Highland Council has a health and safety responsibility to improve access to this bridge? - after all the riverside walks are promoted as an asset to the town.
Murd is still campaigning for improved access to the the bridge and is a regular visitor to all the town's community councils (would be easier for Murd and everyone else if we simply had a town council wouldn't it? but that's another issue). He has the backing of the 3 Councils and regularly gives them updates. Murd can give you a dizzy list of all the high heid yins and low heid yins that he's been passed round at the Highland Council. There was even the famous day when two officials came out to see him at the bridge, both of them bringing their own cars. To this observer it just looks like an endless game of pass the parcel. Perhaps if we could have all the time (in cash) that the folk in Glenurquhart Road have been looking at Murd's e-mails then perhaps we'd have a state of the art ramp and turning point on both sides of the bridge by now. What will it take to get something done? Will we have to wait until after the cuts? Will it be easier to deal with less of the officials than more?
Murd isn't going away, that's for sure. Maybe the best we can hope for in the short term is that a few of them passing the parcel go away after the cuts but it'll probably the boys in orange suits that get the dunt instead of those who just seem to be nothing but a foggy apparatus that frustrates communities getting things done for themselves.
Think about it Gurnites, why do we have to go begging to Glenurquhart Road to get things done? We need more power back in Nairn!
instead of those who just seem to be nothing but a foggy apparatus that frustrates communities getting things done for themselves.