
Friday, December 03, 2010

How to make Nairn town centre NICEr - have you got any ideas?

Tez Watson has commented over on the NICE site:

Every time I pass the old filling station on King Street I think “if only someone would tear down that flipping canopy” because the wee building hidden by it is not that ugly by comparison to some other eyesores.
As regards the bus garage I have a kind of wacky idea – park an old double decker bus in one of the end bays, use the top deck as a projection room and the lower deck as the ticket booth, etc for a community cinema. When not being used for screenings the place could make a spacious art gallery. The fabric of the building seems to be tatty rather than derelict and in these ‘strapped for cash” times we should make good what is still standing.

Still time to put your ideas in before the NICE public meeting on the town centre on the 13th of December. Pop over to the NICE people and have your say.