
Thursday, January 27, 2011

NRCG FOI question 5

Here’s number 5 from a series of questions that Nairn Residents Concern Group submitted to Highland Council recently under the Freedom of Information Act plus the answer from the Council:

Now that the Missives have been resiled, details of the financial amount offered by the developer for Sandown Lands no longer requires to be restricted, because the sale of the land will now be conducted under completely new conditions and in a different financial climate. Accordingly therefore, please provide the figure for the amount that was offered for Sandown Lands by Deveron in their missives of 17 Jan 07 and 7 Aug 07.

The offer of purchase from Deveron Homes was for £22,340,978. As with all the other offers received and as is normal practice in the development industry the offer was subject to various suspensive conditions including obtaining a satisfactory planning permission to the developer.