
Monday, July 04, 2011

Mill Road allotment volunteers construct polytunnel

The allotments at Mill Road just wouldn't have happened with out the many hard hours of voluntary labour, planning book-keeping, dealing with the funding authorities etc. The allotments will be officially opened this weekend. If you would like to get your name down for an allotment (the Allotment Society is campaigning for more sites in the town) or would like to get involved in the work of the Society then pop over to their website and contact them through the e-mail address in the sidebar.


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    The alotments look great. Now if only they wouldnt dump their cars at the junction and park with a bit more consideration for residents.

  2. growtosow5:02 PM

    they do look good and indeed thanks too all those folk who helped too get it up and running as an allotment again for our community.

  3. Anonymous5:20 PM

    another eyesore for nairns vandals,and mill road is now a big car park,its about time double yellow lines were painted there ,and enforced by traffic warden,

  4. Looking good. Over the past couple of years, I have done various Zimbabwean-style land reclamations in Thurso, and have a good supply of veg.

    This year I started trying to set-up an allotment society, but for various reasons, was frustrated. I am happy to manage a larger area, and allow sharecroppers to come along to pick-their-own... maybe this is an idea for next year.
