
Friday, July 08, 2011

Sainsbury's Nairn opening 3rd August

saReports the Inverness Courier this morning and a "taster day" in the Community Centre from 10a.m. to 3.p.m. on the 16th July to sample food and fashion.

UPDATE: Short opening ceremony at 09.00 on Weds 3rd then a new dawn for Nairn consumers.


  1. Need more baked beans7:06 AM

    Is that traffic light switch on day as well? Perhaps we'll all get there by the 4th!

  2. Maybe Transport Scotland will inform us of that one?

  3. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Looking forward to some quality shopping IN Nairn. The other good thing is that we won't be booked by the traffic warden while we shop. Lets stay positive till we see how things go. The traffic lights will actually help
    pedestrians. Its not all about cars.
    Remember pedestrians always have the right of way, unless you are willing to dent your car.

  4. thanks anon, will check out the pavement situation

  5. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Pedestrians have the right of way on the A96 trunk road??
    It is all about cars. Sainsbury will bring people into Nairn - something to be welcomed, to dilute some of the short rightness and inward thinking that goes on with a lot of Nairn residents.

  6. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Let's hope they publicise the 'taster' day a bit better than they've done with the 'open' (which most of Nairn didn't know about) days?
