
Friday, August 05, 2011


Many Gurnites that walk the river on daily basis will know the Maple tree at the bottom of the Khyber. This tree gives one of the finest autumnal displays to be seen along the riverside. Yesterday this observer caught a glimpse of the tree in the sunshine from further down the river and thought there was a bit of an early difference about it. This morning I had a chance to go for a closer look and yes there is a change in this tree. Nearby too a young Rowan looked as if it was content with the job for 2011 and preparing also to go into a different mode. All around however still plenty of full-blown greenery yet. Does anyone else feel, however, that the growing season is well on this year?


  1. Anonymous8:08 AM

    At last autumn is coming ,its my favourite time of year, it never disappoints like our summers do.
    See a lot of Dutch Elm desease in the Newton hotel woods, its getting worse every year,no one ever does anything about it.
    It's a good job it doesn't spread to the fir trees, the red squirrels that live there would have no food.

  2. gone to seed10:30 AM

    Another 'where was our summer year'. Some good days in April, but generally cold and wet of late. Not a good year in my garden. As for the tomatoes :-(

  3. Not much that can be done about the Elm disease really. Once you see a tree dying it's too late the beetle that carries the virus has already moved on.

  4. Anonymous6:03 PM

    not much can be down for dutch elm desease is correct, but the dead trees that are left behind become very brittle and are easily blown down,and some of the branches are quite big, if they are dead they should be got rid off.also they look ugly.

  5. I asked for permission to remove some of the fallen trees around the river at no cost to the council for log burner {within Nairn} but was refused permission to do so. Told no chain saws aloud but had no intention of using one just a hand saw. And we are asked to do our bit to help make the town presentable for all to enjoy.

  6. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Pedantic would humbly like to point out the misuse of the relative pronoun "that" in the opening sentence of the article-
    "Many Gurnites THAT walk---"
    Surely this should read
    "Many Gurnites WHO walk---"
    The antecedent of "that " is inevitably a non-person.

  7. yes that is one that this observer still regularly fails to get the head round. It might just be too late to rearrange the brain cells for that one now.
    Those who can etc...

    thanks Pedantic

  8. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Sadly the lack of good weather is removing all my 'get up and go'
