
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bus Station Development - Transport Scotland Recommends refusal!

A Transport Scotland document recently posted on the Highland Council e-planning pages for the application reads:

"The Director advises that planning permission be refused." The reasons for refusal state:"There is insufficient information to determine this application."

A note underneath the reason for refuse goes on to say: "The developer should provide a traffic statement showing predicted generated traffic and its affect on the existing signals at this location."

This observer would imagine that this is not an insurmountable hurdle for the developer but will obviously have cost and time implications for the overall proposal.


  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I expect they will require seven more sets of lights and a few roundabouts to appease them.

  2. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Obviously this objection is just that - a comment. No guarantee of a successful application.

  3. When the bus station currently accommodates the bus stop, a public car park, unofficial taxi rank, takeaway shop and fire station, and the junction is already controlled by traffic lights I can't really see what they're objecting to. I can't see that the new development will add that much to the traffic flow. Sounds like they're just touting for more work to carry out a 'study' or 'consultation'. My only real objection to this development is the penny-pinching quality of the design, and maybe the top storey of flats. It shouldn't be beyond the wit of the architects to come up with something of a higher quality than what has been published so far (imho).
