
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nairnshire Partnership

This observer went to the Partnership workshop on Monday night and a very interesting affair it was too. I went representing a group and not as a member of the public so you'll have to wait until the proposals get reported to the next proper partnership meeting to find out what went on. I don't think anyone would be too upset if it was pointed out that there was strong lobbying at the workshop for as much as possible to be held in public however.
The Gurn poll is insructive in that as of today (22nd November) over 68% of Gurnites that voted have responded No to the question "Should all meetings of the Nairnshire Partnership be open to public?" Are you one of the those who voted No? Perhaps you might to explain the reasons behind your vote in the comments thread? It really would be interesting to find out a bit more.

Here's a reminder of a comment Iain Bain made in an Nairnshire editorial earlier this year:

“There is too much meeting behind closed doors already in Nairn. The Nairn Partnership, a self-appointed group of interested parties meets privately. Yet it is, perhaps more than community councils, the body which informs Ward 19 councillors and contributes to policy making and some decision making by councillors. Our understanding is that the Partnership which once held its proceedings in public stopped doing so because of interventions by the public. Community Councils should not follow this example.”


  1. Anonymous2:47 AM

    The debate about transparency, public meetings and the freedom to discuss, challenge and comment has been running for some time - as the quote from Ian Bain confirms.

    The Gurn has usually - and commendably - favoured the libertarian and open approach to local discussions.

    Which is why the selective disabling of the "Comments" facility on the Gurn's own posts excites concern and suspicion.

    It is not unreasonable to suspend comment when debate gets abusive or inappropriate (and in the rare cases where this has been a problem, the Gurn has quite properly said so). But a pattern is becoming evident where the Comments option is not available from the outset on certain of the Gurn posts. It is not hard to detect the common thread which links them.

    It would be unfortunate if the Gurn were to adopt an approach where it was OK for the Gurn to criticise others - but not for others to criticise the Gurn, or even have the opportunity of a "right of reply". Once a forum - or a blog - becomes partisan, it loses credibility and value.

    The test of course is whether this comment is itself permitted on to the Gurn's comments pages!

  2. If any anonymous reader feels the Gurn is partisan and losing credibility and value then please accept a full refund.

  3. autocratic point of view8:32 AM

    Anon, you clearly have a talent for writing so rather than criticise the Gurn why not start your own new 'democratic' blog whereby all comments are published?

    I'm sure the Gurn would be very happy to advertise your new venture, but sadly I'm also pretty sure that you won't

    More debate and indeed new blogs would be welcome In Nairn. Most other Nairn bloggers have become quiet over the last few months, so will we see something from you Anon?

  4. Bargain Hunter10:01 AM

    Its going to cost The Gurn a fortune in refunds & its hard to get a loan from any Bank at the moment!!!, but as a fan I think its great value for money * look out for massive discounts in The Gurns January Sale *

  5. There's well over 500 comments that have never been published on the Gurn for various reasons. Sometimes you get a feel for subjects that are going to kick off in a sort of "dark underbelly" manner and thus comments are disabled. Sometimes comments get closed after a few overheated statements. Yeah sometimes the Gurn doesn't allow comments but as our autocratic commentator suggests the Gurn is not the only gateway to digital soap-boxery in Nairnshire. Hopefully we are not too far from the common currency however although perhaps a bit too loony green for some folk and there is also a school of thought that will tell you that the Gurn never had any credibility anyway :-)

  6. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Don't ask for a vote on an issue and then ask for an explanation as to why people have voted in a particular way just because the result does not fit in with your agenda. This behaviour typifies the Gurn. Accept it and move on old man. I doubt if this comment will ever see the light of day in the Gurn !

  7. moving on anon, heading towards the kettle...

  8. Anonymous4:51 PM

    The vote is going the way it is is because the only people voting are those who man the meetings no one else is that interested in their opinions.

  9. Earl Grey8:33 PM

    Milk & two sugars please old man what a bloody cheek anonymous has think he is Crackers & takes the biscuit.

  10. Anonymous No 412:22 AM

    Looks as if there's a whole lot of us anonymous folk commenting on this thread.

    A case of multiple personality disorder? Or have we got Anonymous Nos 2 and 3 pretending to be Anonymous No 1 - and all of them upsetting Mr Grey?

  11. Anonymous3:11 PM

    "Hook line and sinker" !
