
Friday, December 30, 2011

Opening of the River Nairn 2011 - video flashback

Thanks to Murray MacRae for this video capturing the events back in March on the Jubilee bridge as Laurie swings the bling once again and throws a dram away into the burn.

More videos available now on Gurntube.


  1. double standards10:49 PM

    Bunch o' loons disturbing the peace and openly drinking alcohol in public, where are the polis when you need them? I just hope they didn't break any bottles

  2. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Hmm was that a reformed poacher I saw in amoungst the crowds..
    Aye how times have changed!

  3. Sober Up11:51 AM

    In reply to double standards if you look at the photographs of Nairn Games Day 70%percent of the people watching the games were drinking you forgot to put in your complaint about that.

  4. sloshed8:59 AM

    Only 70%?
