
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

River CC vote against houses on land next to the Vets on St Ninian Road

Tonight River CC voted 7-1 to support local residents who have objected to a proposal to build two houses on land next to the present Veterinary Clinic in St Ninian road. Here's the application on the Highland Council e-planning site.


  1. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Aghhh ! Change, progress, something new, oh no ! But wait a minute lets put a stop to this sort of nonsence in Nairn, lets object.

    I would expect no less. Pathetic !

  2. Anonymous12:49 PM

    According to what's written on the e planning pages under possible constraints; these proposals appear to be in a conservation area with B and C listed buildings. I also note the presence of the term Airport Safeguarding Zone.

    Representations made include loss of sunlight and being overlooked; loss of flowerbeds and trees; proposals not in keeping with the conservation area; potential to exacerbate parking issues already associated with the area; concern that they may be a risk of flooding to existing properties.

    People are entitled to raise issues of concern and it is the job of a robust and fair planning system to balance any competing (and often conflicting) demands.

    Change, by the way, is the only constant. And I am sure we all have a different view as to what precisely constitutes progress.

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Hook line and sinker ! LOL

  4. Anonymous7:17 PM

    "Hook line and sinker ! LOL"

    Sorry, too cryptic for my limited brain capacity you will have to explain yourself Anon
