
Friday, February 10, 2012

Hamish home on leave

Thanks to Murd for sending these two pictures to the Gurn. The top picture shows a young Hamish Dunbar home on leave during the Second World War and visiting his father Duncan at 15 John Street. The Picture on the right is of 1st World War Veteran Duncan, who also served in the Coastguard during the 2nd World War.


  1. Grateful7:03 PM

    Gentlemen, I salute you.

  2. Many thanks to Hamish for his memories, I am sitting here in NZ fair homesick. The back room of Morgantis was usually busy after Bible Class on a Sunday for a "hot orange". I anjoy the photos on your flicker site of Nairn folk but get frustrated when I cannot recognise them now, I remember them when they were much younger.
    Hamish do you remember my fathers shop? It was the licensed grocers between Ross and the Butchers and Ashers on Bridge Street.. I read the gurn every day, hope to visit Nairn soon.
    Min Walker nee Davidson

  3. Hamish2:07 PM

    Hello Min,

    I do recall very well your father's shop and Knowles and Cumming's, Fletcher the bakers and many other on or near to that corner in the town.

    As with you I seldom recognise photos of people. Many names are familiar such as that of Jeanne Tolmie in this morning's Gurn and I wonder then if that lady had any family connection with Tolmie the builder who had a business in King Street when I was a young lad.

    I hope you are able to visit Nairn ere long and that you enjoy your stay there.

    Best wishes

