
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Cawdor get go-ahead for Delnies development

"Description: Mixed use development incorporating:
• 300 residential units
• Tourism and heritage centre
• Hotel, spa and conference facilities
• 18 hole golf course, clubhouse, golf academy and golf range
• Equestrian Centre and stables
• Tourism and Heritage Centre
• Ecological Centre with bird hides
• Community woodland and park
• Public footpath and cycleway network

• Associated access and infrastructure works, including new roundabout on to the A96 Trunk Road."

That was how it was billed at yesterday's planning meeting in Inverness and it was passed. There were 10 objections including River Community Council, you can see the list of objectors on page 8 of this document and a lot more background information too on other pages. There was also one letter of support from the Nairn Woodlands and Wetlands Association.

Elements of this development could provide employment in sectors that have a proven track record in this area. Golf, tourism, hotels etc. Obviously there are concerns about environmental impact but if Dick Youngson and the Woodlands and Wetlands asscociation are happy with what might happen then that is good enough for this observer. As to housing, it might be a while before we see significant numbers of houses on either Sandown or Delnies so there is an opportunity here to plant trees and prepare the landscape years in advance of the bulk of the inhabitants moving in? In retrospect thank goodness we got Delnies first and not the 550 houses that were proposed by the Highland Council's preffered bidder for Sandown.



    Web cast of consideration of Delnies Application at link above

  2. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Go ahead been given, so next question, what timescale is being considered before they actually start to develop the area?

  3. @ Moan Ranger Where can I find this "enabling" phrase and just what are you referring to with the word "coalition".
    Willing to publish your comment with clarification on those two points.

  4. 2nd witch5:48 PM

    By the pricking of my thumbs,
    Something wicked this way comes.

  5. Moan Ranger6:25 PM

    Enabling phrase detailed on the plan link "Residential development(enabling development)"

    I understand this applies to developments where subsequent phases are dependent on cashflow being generated from the sale of the initial phase.

    The Co alition refers the the new found alliance between the countess and earl to push this development as demonstrated in the BBC news article ( and various others) as linked below.

    Two opposing sides coming together for the good of all, has a common ring to it???!

  6. Here's the first post from the Moan Ranger:
    "If you look at the plans the houses are termed "an enabling development" this means the houses must be built to "enable" the rest of the project to (possibly) go ahead. Don’t hold your breath for work to commence soon! the cynical amongst us may even suggest that the peripherie developments such as the bird hides wetland parks golf courses etc. are just a gimmick to gain the planning permission for the housing development. I think it is unlikely the Cawdor coallition will even break turf until a definite and approved sandown development has been agreed and started. Incidentally can anybody shed any light as to where all the people will come from for all these new homes? As I understand it within a 40 mile radius of Inverness 11,000 new homes are either approved, in progress or up for consideration. "

  7. Be cynical if you wish Moan Ranger but this observer would suggest that the Cawdors (both the Dowager and the Laird) are sincere in what they hope to achieve and am personally very impressed by their green commitment to the environment.
    Better the devil you know than...say the Council's former preferred developer?
