
Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The Independent Councillors' Leaflet

A copy of the Independents leaflet arrived at Gurn HQ today. Their group picture contains Oor Sandy and Laurie. Reading their spiel one could be forgiven for thinking that they were in fact a political party which of course they are not. You can see the leaflet here if you haven't received one yet.
There are of course other sorts of independents on the Highland Council who don't agree with the main body of Independents and perhaps with each other too. There are the Independent Members Group and the Independent Alliance Group. It reminds this observer of the Monty Python scene where the People's Front of Judea set aboot the Judean People's front
It is all political however whether you are a member of a political party or not, the Highland Council site itself lists them all under political representation. Maybe we'll get leaflets from the other two lots of independents too?


  1. Anonymous10:01 PM

    A quick poll of key words used in the leaflet received today tells an interesting story.
    Local (10)
    Independent (9)
    Highland (8)
    Decision (5)
    Listening (1)

    Lets hope this bunch improve on their LISTENING.....

  2. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Is that a requirement then?
