
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Not ideal weather for the candidates

Yesterday witnessed a very wet morning and although things became brighter in the afternoon there was a chilly wind that would have made a walk along the prom a bracing affair. "It's a dreich day in Nairn. Might be a good day to visit the museum," tweeted the Nairn Museum. Towards the end of the afternoon some very threatening clouds hung over the edge of town, they were depositing considerable rainfall on the countryside and no doubt we'll see a rise in the river today. Heavy showers are the last thing that the squad preparing to replace the sewer pipe at Brocher's Brae need. Already the triangular coping stones have been taken off the wall next to the river in preparation for the big job that should mean the end of river walkers having to step through puddles of sewage on the path, either side of the sewage bridge, at times of heavy rainfall.

Today looks brighter so far but the BBC forecast indicated we might have more nasty showers. No doubt the candidates will be back on the doorsteps in search of more voters. The Gurn poll in the side bar is an unscientific fun gadget but it does perhaps indicate that the race is wide open for the second, third and fourth place Nairnshire seats in the comfy Glenurquhart Road central command chamber. Here's hoping we get a change that gives power back to Nairnshire. 
If anyone sees the Scottish Conservative and Unionist candidate please tell her that the Gurn would still like a copy of her leaflet to put up on line alongside the other seven candidates' material. 


  1. Bill posters8:13 AM

    I hope I'm not speaking too soon, but delighted to see that Nairn candidates have decided not to adorn our lampposts with political election posters. These always seem totally superfluous and just create an eyesore over the several weeks they are displayed

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Oh Bill Posters, don't speak too soon, there's still a couple of weeks to go yet!

  3. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I'm sorry Bill Posters, but you will notice a few "Vote SNP 1 and 2" posters up on Ward 19 lamposts.
    Please be assured that we'll tidy up asap after 3rd May.
    Have to say we got a lot of thumbs up from passing motorists!
