
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Planting the Culbin in the early fifties

Thanks to Murd for these two images of his brother Alistair  and  his father in  law (Granda MacKenzie) working in the Culbin back in the fifties. We also have a request from Murd's elder brother Hamish today. Hamish asks Gurnites a question in relation to RGV's cricket images.:

"Seeing these photos has made me very nostalgic and bring to mind names such as Major Clarke (Captain) of Achareidh Farm, J.C. Ross (Jack) of the Nairnshire Telegraph and other team members whose names have faded into the mists of my memory.

I wonder if there is somewhere a photo of the pavilion that  was replaced by the existing one which, I am presuming, is the one that was built in say the mid thirties? 
Did the earlier one have a separate dressing room for the visiting team?

Kind regards Hamish."

Thanks to Murd and Hamish. Do any Gurnites have similar pictures of Nairnshire past or present?


  1. Yvonne5:31 PM

    Check with Nairn Museum

  2. The man with the horse will be better known as the CROFTER who had a small croft at Easterton bridge Auldearn
