
Friday, June 08, 2012

Spring Cleaning on the Moss-side Road Vodka trail

At a recent meeting of the Suburban Community Council, the Chairman Dick Youngson revealed that during his organisation's recent "spring clean" of the area a considerable amount of litter was picked up in the lay-bys along Moss-side Road including 30 empty vodka bottles

Dick told the meeting: " We over the years have spent a little bit of time devoting days to litter picking and cleaning up areas that the Council haven't got the resources or haven't got the time to do. Getting into the worst places, so we've been cleaning the Tradespark Wood up. Although we've also got a team of volunteers in Nairn and they collect daily a lot of the litter which is dumped at night, cans bottles you name it. And we also cleared up the Moss-side Road..."

John Mackie then added that "you wouldn't believe the amount of vodka bottles!"  The Community Council picked up 14 bags of rubbish in total, another clean-up earlier in the year in this area had seen another 16 bags of similar rubbish collected.


  1. Aye, but was it 700 cans?


  2. Vodka?!! Tut tut... in my day it was Buckfast and very very very very very cheap aqua-lungs of cider. Ah, salad days indeed... P xx

  3. Anonymous2:00 PM

    get the unemployed louts to pick up the litter,and as for the library,,why not use old community centre?get it converted,save the building,and also,save £40,000 a year in lease costs(according to ex provost)

  4. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I am a resident of Moss side Road, clearly its shocking, yet this is no surprise to hear how much liquer bottles are collected in this area alone, especially when so many people unfortunately can be seen frequenting the local shop specifically for alcoholic drink!!, and young ones being led astray hide out in the dark places so as not to be seen.

    In the area we have 4 visible bins along this road for rubbish, and some individuals in society seem to have forgotten the purpose of them, hence why items are being found elsewhere. Its the same with doggie doo, plenty bins but owners don't bother. I've felt for years there's a big attitude problem in the Community and its not all down to the young ones. Well done to the volunteers, trying to keep the area tidy.

  5. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Aye now we know another place that the underage drinking goes on, what are the police doing to monitor this area

  6. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Most people in the area know this already and have taken appropriate action. The police do frequent this area quite regular, so can't fault them there, but still it comes back to individual attitudes.

  7. Well at least it's not needles!! And I don't mean knitting ones either. P xx Yes - it isn't just the young 'uns. Anyway, the Olympic Torch has reached Scotland so yet another reason to forget the oncoming crushing RECESSION and horrible acts of genocide all over the place.!!!! Sorry. Double P xx
