
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Nairn in the morning - thoughts and pix from Vix

That old Gurner Vix Sinex was up and about and in a better mood this morning. It's probably the sun:

"Thought I would share a few views taken when most were still in their steaming pits piling up the zzzz's. There was actually a good sunrise this morning which makes the standard pictures of the bandstand look a little more interesting.

Walking back on the 'quiet' A96 I saw this new view of The Station/Highland Hotel or whatever the current owner is calling it these days. It set me thinking. The powers that  be will sell off the car parks despite what we say. The developer will want to put up a building that is going to give them a financial return and we are going to end up with a 'Brick Canyon' going down King Street. What a wasted opportunity. With a decent vista across to the town centre, visitors will want to stop in convenient car parks and tour the town injecting much needed revenue. I know NICE are up to something but they want to get a move on or they will lose the opportunity to have some influence.

Another photogenic building is The Parish Church. Trying to get a decent photo has now been ruined by the traffic lights and all the other street furniture
that gets in the way. Well, I think I have found a new angle. Ah, that's better. I thought I was going soft".

Thanks for that Vix, I agree with you on the NICE situation (website here). They simply look at present like a group that comes back for Christmas and AGMs. What's the problem with keeping the punters in the loop? If the high heid yins of NICE are really planning something then tell the population, you wouldn't want to be accused of a top-down elitist take it or leave it approach would you? Maybe Vix is right, you've just about lost the opportunity to have any influence in Nairn?

1 comment:

  1. OllieC10:14 AM

    Lovely shadows on the bandstand pic.
