
Saturday, August 18, 2012

It's just a perfect day (at the Nairn Games 2012)

... and it still is out there (20.23) and even an exploding inflatable beer tent couldn' t dampen the event. Fantastic Games and the changes from Michael Green and the events committee added to the brilliant atmosphere.
Interestingly following the massed pipes and drums on the parade down to the links was the Brora Rangers bus (NCFC second team)? Images later. 


  1. game on10:05 PM

    You think. It was like sniper alley as the round table pursued punters for money, sorry donations. Probably put a lot of folk off looking at the other stalls which is a shame

    Did I miss all the promised local food or was Ashers and the butcher burgers it?

    As for the beer tent, popular yes but was it really a necessary attraction

    Weather was great and ignoring the new distractions a great games day, although there seemed to be a distinct lack of folk collecting this year with the usual buckets

  2. Fantastic day and an obvious demand for the deflatable bar!

  3. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Best bit was Michael Green being summoned on the PA as the Police were wanting him

    Funniest was the beer tent going bang and deflating

    A great games day because of the weather, the competitors, and the crowd, not the new stalls

  4. Great weather great day.

    It has that morning after the night before feel about the town.

    Shame about the amount of rubbish that is littering the Links. Worst I have ever seen it in 57 years. Shocking wouldn't describe it.

    Nice view for the visitors if they come to town today.

    It reminds me of the Rubbish tip when it was over at the East Beach.

    Seagulls must think all their birthdays have come at once.

    It is going to cost the Council a bob or two to clean it up.

  5. have another drink8:30 AM

    What a shame that some people see the measure of success of such an event by the free availability of alcohol. As a nation are we really so tied to the demon drink that we know no other way to enjoy ourselves other than with a drink in hand? I doubt some people left the area of the beer tent yesterday to actually watch the games. A 'brilliant atmosphere', no that was people getting drunk
    Perhaps we should scrap the event and just have a drinks festival so we can show the world what we're really good at!

  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Although some people were consuming copious amounts of alcohol there were many who were just having a wee drink with families and friends. It's the first time I've seen people having picnics, even saw someone had taken their own table and had lots of food and drink (mainly soft drinks) and they seemed to be there for the day. So it's not all bad. Maybe need to encourage more of that? Still, it very much depends on the weather and we were very lucky yesterday, before we all get carried away.

  7. Cream crackered collector10:56 AM

    Re Game On comment about the lack of collectors at the Games. If you are willing to volunteer next year I will happily provide you with a bucket. We actually had four committee members available this year to do the collection in between the many other tasks we have to fulfil and we managed to do trips round the arena instead of one.
    Our collection was up to £3,711 from about £3,400 last year which is a record. But the reality is if we had more volunteers fit enough to carry the buckets of cash up and down the steep banks of the Links we could make more for our funds. It has often been suggested getting youth groups to do this but it doesn’t work. You need adults who are like ‘Recruitin Sergeants’ who rattle the drum – in this cash the money buckets. It’s hard graft!
    Can I add that the public respond magnificently and very generously and the Games Committee sincerely appreciates that support. Your point Game On however is well made. We clearly are not getting round everybody and if ye didnae ken before why that wis the case ye ken noo!!! Cream crackered collector!.

  8. a big thank you11:49 AM

    @ Cream crackered

    Many, many thanks for all your efforts. I too missed your sparse collecting buckets but will send a donation with the form in the program

    Thanks again to everyone involved with the Games, best ever apart from the beer tent
