
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Doctor Grigor's wild Friday night?


  1. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Jings crivens and help ma boab,i dou't the laddies had one too many sarsparillas!

  2. How Disrespectful, probably some incomer, or someone that has no idea what part Dr Grigor played in the history of Nairn.

  3. Anonymous7:29 AM

    @ neilscot.How dare they do this do they not know that us people from nairn have no sense of humour.!

  4. Spurtle2:39 PM

    Perhaps it's an attack on Dr Grigor's ideas for improving Nairn .

    Seemingly some of the Community Councils of the day felt threatened and potentially marginalised by this chap who wanted to see the town improved.

    A concerned resident at the time said " He's come to town from foreign parts , well Elgin anyway, and he has all these grand schemes to drag Nairn into the 19th century.

    I can tell you this, we don't want to do it oursleves, so we'll make damn sure no one else will be able to do it either"

    Meanwhile, back in the here and now, I'm sure most people would agree that Dr Grigor's works benefited the town.

    Could nice parallels be drawn?
    Or will all of those who feel free to express concerns about not being involved ensure that no good works are undertaking? That inspite of never attending Nice/Community Council or any other type of meeting.

  5. Anonymous3:43 PM

    This has been happening for years, I saw one last year all the time when I walked past it.

  6. 3M Discos12:59 AM

    Do any of us Gurnmeisters remember when DR Grigor used to do the Discos at the Bandstand a few years ago in the summer time. Sun City Discos ? if i remember right. It was brilliant everybody enjoyed themselves there was no trouble and it was well organised. Pity it couldnt happen again now in the summertime as the Bandstand is not getting used.

  7. Anonymous7:31 AM

    In Glasgow it is found humourers and has become rather famous. Why can't the people of Nairn find the funny side to it.

  8. Anonymous7:38 AM

    He Really Suits it!!!
