
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black stuff down

The scene on the site of the old community centre yesterday. Another car park all but ready in time for the Christmas rush. The parking areas behind the High Street have never before been so visibile to drivers passing through, will this tempt them to stop in Nairn?


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    They may stop but I fear disappointment unless they need a hair dresser, cafe or charity shop.Stop once is OK but we need them to come back time and time again. Little chance of that no matter how NICE the High Street is.

  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Perhaps some sort of signage could be quickly erected to persuade passing traffic to spend some time browsing on the Nairn High Street before carrying on their way, if Christmas spending is to be done in Nairn action must be taken NOW!

  3. Anonymous4:10 PM

    not before time,they took long enough,now all we need is the frost to lift it all again

  4. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Well Hairdressers, Cafes and Charity shops may be the very places that people need to visit at the festive season. You are being so unfair on the High street which has some lovely shops. What about the florist? And the nice clothes shops and the gift shops? The delis and the grocer? The streets have banks and estate agents and newsagents. A pet shop and hardware store and opticians...

  5. Spurtle3:58 PM

    Many folks are very short sighted when it comes to Nairn High Street ( perhaps an opportunity for the optician :) )

    but most folks in most towns are the same. What they have does not compare to what others have, in their eyes.

    They will always perceive somewhere else as having 'more'.

    Truth be told , with a vacant shop rate of 3 or 4% , Nairn has about a third as many vacant shops as the average British town and I think we have a decent mix of retailers.

    We don't have everything but nowhere in the UK with 8000 ish population does... some people just live with this mental image of some utopian retail ideal, which is as real as Brigadoon.

    Best way to ensure a broader range of shops in a town is to support the ones you already have.....
