
Saturday, November 10, 2012

High Street matters 1 - Lloyds Pharmacy application to flit to the hospital

The intention of Llyods Pharmacy to flit up to the hospital was flagged up at a recent Suburban Community Council meeting. Reasons against such a move were stated there and the Gurn has since heard one or two more. Here they are:
1) The move would create too much pressure on the already busy Boots pharmacy as most folk would continue to want repeat prescriptions from the town rather than go up to the hospital. 
2) The inadequate bus service to the hospital that doesn't even stop in the bus station to connect up with other services. 
3) The dangerous road up to the hospital on Station Brae, still dangerous, even after the improvements, for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists alike. 
4) The loss of a High Street business and its susequent effect on the local economy. 

Residents have until the 16th of November to make their feelings known as Lloyds Pharmacy have a duty to consult with locals prior to submitting an application. You can send your thoughts to  

Click here to see a copy of the consultaltion leaflet that is available in the Pharmacy. 


  1. down at the doctors2:15 PM

    I can think of another reason against, it's almost impossible to get parked at times at the hospital.

    Having said that if Lloyds were to handle repeat prescriptions better than Boots (which is a complete and utter shambles) I might be tempted to try Lloyds if they move to the hospital

    Cannot tell you the number of times I've been to Boots and had to queue for ages, told to come back in ten minutes, not given all of my prescriptions, items are out of stock, prescription not there etc

  2. Narook7:20 AM

    nuiyawww nawww,no moving tae hospital,boots are a waste o time,u need to take a flask and sannys if you are going to collect a prescription,the q. is far too long
