
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Remembrance Day in Nairn - Pictures

Thanks to Dave Shillabeer and Murray MacRae for their images of the Remembrance Parade earlier today. There are three sets of images on the Gurn Flickr pages linked as follows: Images 1, Images 2, Images 3.

Also some pictures taken earlier this autumn at Saint-Valéry-en-Caux,  Haute-Normandie, France of the memorial to the  51st Highland Division and of the Military Cemetery where many fallen Highlanders lie alongside other British, Commonwealth and French soldiers who died during the brief but deadly siege by Nazi forces in June 1940.

Murray told the Gurn that the Royal British Legion Nairn  branch raised £224.82 pence for the poppy appeal at Nairn County' s Station Park on Saturday and that the collectors Garnet Main, Nathan Grant and Ian McGillvary , would like to thank everybody and all the football supporters on Saturday that donated money towards the cause, it is most appreciated.


  1. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Good selection of photos from the gurn but while viewing I noticed there does not seem to be any faces I recognise from the seaforth club in any of the pictures, was there no represention this year on parade? i hope you dont think it a bit of a cheek but could someone put my mind at rest & if possible give me an answer please, & reply on the gurn, many thanks Jock S.

  2. Thanks for that Peter, we'll check it out.
