
Thursday, January 24, 2013

A recycling centre for Nairn?

Information received from Tommy Hogg, Chair River CC

Anyone interested in working towards establishing a recycling centre in Nairn is invited to attend a meeting in
the Seaforth Club, Nairn 
on TUESDAY 5th FEBRUARY at 7.30 p.m
Hopefully a small steering group will be formed to progress the project.


  1. Eh we have one don't we ?.Or do you mean something like what forres have where you can buy things at much cheapness ?

  2. Yeah something like the Forres set-up is what is in mind I believe.

  3. Is it a bit off to suggest re-cycling people? In a nice way, of course. Recycling ideas, jokes, schemes, scams, campaigns, reigns of terror, that sort of thing? P XX

  4. Pookie Dear, have you watched the vid in the previous post today. I think you might be enthralled.

  5. scaffie8:03 AM

    Bet it'll be a rubbish meeting
