
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Courier upping news coverage on Nairn matters?

In recent months the Inverness Courier's coverage of Nairn matters has been rather sporadic. Are they now paying more attention to Nairn events however? After last Tuesday's major spread on the Wee County's fans fundraising activities the Courier followed up on Friday with two other big articles on Nairn news items. There was also considerable Nairn material on the sports pages. There is also an enigmatic message to tempt readers into buying the forthcoming Tuesday edition. "Jobs boost for Nairn? Could we soon see politicians tilting at Ardersier windmills? Or perhaps they've got wind of the predicted metamorphosis of the old social club in Church Street which will, according to a usual very unreliable source, be opening at the end of February and will, no doubt, need bar staff.


  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Bar staff at the Social Club, the perfect job for you Gurn, a wee dramie and all the gossip, perfect.

  2. Dry January5:06 PM

    Don't encourage him. It took days for the report from the River CC to appear whilst he recovered from the 'dram' post the meeting

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Aye, right enough man, right enough, he's no' gettin'any younger!!!

  4. Wrong Front6:49 PM

    I will fully understand if The Gurn does not want to publish my comment, but I feel after reading The Nairnshire Telegraph over the last few years [...]to take advantage thats why you are now seeeing more news in The Inverness Courier, come on The Nairnie get of your backside & put up a fight. Ps I will even hold Iain Bains glasses while he puts on his boxing gloves.
