
Monday, March 11, 2013

Another cold start in Nairn

Earlier this morning the dawn was struggling to make itself felt against the continuing snow showers. The heavy goods vehicles had helped keep the A96 clear  but on all other roads the overnight snow  was still there, helped by low temperatures. The frist pedestrians in the town centre were grateful for the timely work of the Council boys who had been out and about with their wee gritter on the pavements. Last March we experienced some remarkably warm temperatures, that all seems a long way away today. At the time of posting this on the Gurn (07.40) the temperature is -4C outdoors and in no hurry to go upwards. A few more pictures here. 
And a picture from Visit Nairn of the Fishertown this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:18 AM

    very festive looking,pity there wasnt 50 ft of snow to hide the forgotten project at the bus station,seems like it,ll be another 25 years before things get started
