
Monday, March 18, 2013

Problems phoning Nairn Healthcare Group Surgery at the hospital today

Here at the Gurn we are hearing complaints that some Nairn residents have been unable to phone the surgery for an appointment today. I tried to phone around 16.00 for comment and were answered by (what it emerged was) the Raigmore switchboard and was asked if it was the Clinic or Hospital that was required. "The clinic," I said and the phone rang, the same switchboard operator answered and asked me if it was the Hospital or the Clinic I wanted. "The Clinic," I repeated. The phone rang and when she answered again with the same quesiton I asked her for details of the phone problem. She could only confirm that there was one at that it was a fault in Nairn. 

We have e-mailed the surgery for details of the extent of any problems and any advice they might have to callers.

UPDATE Comment from Dr Adrian Baker: "The entire building has had no working external telephone lines this morning and no outgoing lines this afternoon. This has been a major problem today. BT engineers are working on this and have yet to find a solution - 18.10

This area including the hospital, Nairn Healthcare Group and surrounding houses have had a major telephone fault which has resulted in no incoming telephone calls or outgoing calls today for the building or local residences. Calls have been routed to Raigmore switchboard, which was experienced by the Gurn.

BT are working on resolving the situation for this area of Nairn.
The GPs have been using mobiles to call patients, all patinets arriving today have been seen.
We have had some emails regarding this problem and like our patients hope that it will be resolved very shortly. 18.35 "


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    As you can no longer make appointments a day off for the GPs then?

  2. Dr Adrian Baker6:12 PM

    The entire building has had no working external telephone lines this morning and no outgoing lines this afternoon. This has been a major problem today. BT engineers are working on this and have yet to find a solution - 18.10

  3. Dr Adrian Baker6:35 PM

    This area including the hospital, Nairn Healthcare Group and surrounding houses have had a major telephone fault which has resulted in no incoming telephone calls or outgoing calls today for the building or local residences. Calls have been routed to Raigmore switchboard, which was experienced by the Gurn.
    BT are working on resolving the situation for this area of Nairn.
    The GPs have been using mobiles to call patients, all patinets arriving today have been seen.
    We have had some emails regarding this problem and like our patients hope that it will be resolved very shortly. 18.35

  4. @ Emergency That isn't the sort of comment that we are prepared to publish on an anonymous basis. Could you e-mail the Gurn with further details?

  5. Thanks for the update, Graisg. I rang through at 5pm and was puzzled by the unusually long wait. (Had to hang up eventually.)

    I'm a little disappointed the switchboard lady didn't warn me there were issues before transferring the call, through.
