
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Surgery Appointments system further tweaks - statement from Nairn HealthCare Group

The practive have taken stock of progress so far and public input, now the appointments system is evolving.  Gurnites will remember that Dr Baker said  at the recent meeting between Highland Council and the NHS in the Couthouse that further changes were under consideration . Here's the latest from the Health Care Group:

Statement from Nairn Healthcare Group regarding GP appointments

The new appointment system was genuinely felt to be an appropriate vehicle to deliver the improved access we as a practice, and our patients via previous feedback, were looking for. However, the figures gathered reflected a much higher level of demand compared with comparative sites, which stressed the system severely. Allied to the difficulties patients were genuinely feeding back regarding the difficulties in booking appointments meant we listened to all such feedback and decided the totality of the system was challenging all concerned.  

Thus we have modified the system and are in the process of looking at all aspects again of access, appointments and demand.

We are therefore allowing patients to book some appointments in the modified system but would appreciate all stakeholders’ patience while we seek to develop a suitable alternative.

In sharing this experience with other colleagues in the Highlands, Moray and Grampian, we are aware that pressures on GP access is a stress felt uniformly in Primary Care and all are striving to square such a circle.

We equally have a strong sense of realisation of the importance of taking patients along with us, informing key people such as councillors, community councils and others, and are looking at strengthening such lines of communications.


  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    is this a recognition that the system isn't working? As a statement, it certainly wouldn't win any awards from the campaign for plain English!

  2. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the new system anon the old one was certainly not fit for purpose.

  3. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I have read the statement, and re-read it, and still wonder what it's saying! What's going to happen now? How will it affect people who need to see a doctor?

    Maybe the root of the problem is that they are trying 'to square the circle'. Leave the circle alone - we don't want squares.

  4. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I agree with anon 9:17

    This statement has not been written in words that mere mortals can make any sense of other than that the system is going to change again. Why tangle words in such a way that few of us can make any sense of them?

    If the new system suddenly gave a large number of patients access to their GPs then surely for the patients concerned this is good? I appreciate that such a high workload has perhaps stressed some doctors, but it shows the need that that the folk of Nairn had of their GPs

    Common sense would suggest that if under the old system if it took several weeks to see a GP then the workload was too high and further GPs should have been hired, or GPs worked more hours to reduce waiting times?

    Sorry not to write this in complete gobbledegook

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Blackadder series 4: "General Melchett: If nothing else works, then a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through. "

  6. babel speak11:24 AM

    Orating as a sometimes potential customer pursuing the target of general practitioner health care, potentially I can affirm a positive interaction with the new interactive communications system established by the professionals claiming allegiances to the board of management within the confines of the health care structure at Nairn hospital, namely the practices (not exclusively) of Nairn, encompassing the geographical mass of Ardersier. However, it’s reasonable to hold the assumption that there maybe an opposite opinion held in abeyance by those customers who are subject to an impossible position when quested with the task of making contact with the human interaction managers due to the severe confines of their career environs.
    Having established this flaw and subjecting the finding to empirical research it’s of pleasure to note that the upper management tier of the establishment are in a hierarchical position whereby they can bring about metered change to this critical situation, and feel empowered to release a statement of intent

  7. Spurtle11:28 AM

    There were obviously some people that found the 'new' system difficult, perhaps due to issues with not being able to take return phone calls, confidentiality etc. & I accept that ..... then of course there will be some who just generally resist change of any sort.

    I do hope they manage to tweak the system to help the people that have had issues but still leave the core concept intact.

    A scheme that potentially allows a lot more patients with minor issues to be attended to quickly, while affording more time for those who need to see a doctor to do so, has to have merit.

    My experience is that the scheme worked very well when I needed it & I sincerely hope that they knock the corners off the idea to resolve the issues that some people have had, rather than dismantling the whole thing , which will see us back to the old school.

    Anything has to be better than having to wait over a fortnight before you see a doctor.

    Previosuly you needed second sight to foresee an illness in sufficient time to get an appointment to ensure that being ill coincided with your slot at the surgery.

  8. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Sounded like a MP speaking, not got a clue what it was supposed to mean.

  9. Let's just remember folks that everyone wants the best health care possible for Nairn. It is against a background of resources under pressure that the Practice are trying to come up with something better than what was there before. They have admitted that their communications could have been better in the run up to the initial change and have promised to keep everyone informed of new changes. This they are doing. Time to cut them some slack for a while?

  10. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Well said Spurtle and as usual some good commonsense from the Graisg.
    The concept was right. The marketing was poor.
    Not sure why some folk want to go back to a system when people had to make an appointment for 3 weeks ahead, by which time many had simply got better and then didn't show up!
    With tweaks and by listening to constructive critique - I think our GPs will get to a place that uses their scarce resources better than the old system.

  11. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Scottish Daily Mail headline 30/3/13
    "GPs Told to phone the sick to cut queues" Interesting article.

    Editor's note, re the rest of your comment, could you please e-mail the Gurn with further details.
