
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Former Councillor wishes Louise Clark a long and happy retirement

Graham wrote to us with the following  words: 

This Thursday, the 18th of April, Nairn Ward Manager Louise Clark retires. Louise has served the Highland community and particularly Nairnshire folk for several decades and in a number of roles, so it seems appropriate to acknowledge the debt we owe her for this service.

Councillors, Community Councillors, local charities and individuals have all been assisted by Louise, whether completing funding applications, signposting services, providing guidance and assistance or just as a listening ear, Louise has always been there for us.

I know many in Nairn will join me in wishing Louise a long and happy retirement.

Graham Marsden


  1. Both personally and on behalf of the Business Association, I would also like to thank Louise for the tremendous efforts she has gone to during the many years she’s been at the Court House, in helping all the groups, clubs and bodies to apply for funding, in the assistance she has given to businesses in the town when needed and in all the other roles and duties she has undertaken.

    I'm sure there are those that think that, as a Highland Council employee, Louise was paid to do what she did.

    That is true, she was paid to do what she did.

    What she wasn't paid to do were all the other things that she's done over the years, all the many hundreds or thousands of hours when she worked to make things happen, out of normal working time & nearly always behind the scenes.

    Street Markets, arts events, festivals, Christmas light switching on would not have run as smoothly or not run at all without her assistance.

    In about a week or ten days, one or more of our ward councillors is going to turn round to get Louise to do something and the sinking realisation that she's not there anymore is going to dawn on them.

    Like many people in the town, I have no doubt that somewhere in the vaults of Glenurquhart Road , there lies an agenda which will eventually see every single facet of council business which currently takes place in Nairn, being dragged helplessly, screaming and kicking into Inverness.

    There are some employees of the Highland Council, and indeed some of those elected to it, who would have a job finding their own backsides in the dark.

    Louise was efficient, diligent and worked quietly away to make things happen for the town and people of Nairn and it's a damning indictment of the culture and current policies of the high heid yins in Inverness that sees such key employees wanting to leave, while they sit back and congratulate themselves on having knocked another brick out of what’s left of our wall.

    David Brownless

  2. Sorry to see her go5:04 PM

    Totally agree with David, we can only hope that her replacement (I take it she will be replaced?) has as detailed a local knowledge as she has and is efficient as she was.

    In the meantime, enjoy your retirement Louise, you will be missed.

  3. growtosow8:16 PM

    it looks like david has said it all. and i for one would agree with him. louise has done a lot for all the groups and clubs that we have in our town.
    a very big thank you is the order of the day. i wish her all the best.
